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- Lai T., Ng T., (2022), Does Restricting Outsiders Always Lower Price and Benefit Insiders?, The Journal of Real Estate Finance and Economics, 64(2022), pp. 153-178
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- Munoz J., Singh R., (2023), Do School Shootings Erode Property Values?, Regional Science and Urban Economics, 98(1), pp. 103852
- Baudin T., Sarkar K., (2022), Education and Childlessness in India, Population, 76(3), pp. 461-186
- Baudin T., Stelter R., (2022), The rural exodus and the rise of Europe, Journal of Economic Growth, 27(2022), pp. 365-414
- Bratti M., Ghirelli C., Havari E., Santangelo G., (2022), Vocational Training for Unemployed Youth in Latvia, Journal of Population Economics, 35(2), pp. 677-717
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- Lai T., Lu Y., Ng T., (2022), Import Competition and Workplace Safety in the U.S. Manufacturing Sector, Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, 203(November), pp. 24-42
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- Moriconi S., Peri, G., Turati R., (2022), Skill of the Immigrants and Vote of the Natives: Immigration and Nationalism in European Elections 2007-2016, European Economic Review, Volume 141, 103986
- Montalbo, A., (2021), Schools without a law: primary education in France from the Revolution to the Guizot Law, Explorations in Economic History, Volume 79, pages 101364
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- Kan, K. and Lai, T., (2021), Educated to be trusting? Evidence from Europe, Economics Letters, Vol. 203, 109867
- Baudin T., de la Croix D., Gobbi P., (2020), Endogenous Childlessness and Stages of Development, Journal of the European Economic Association, 18(1), pp. 123-156
- Deiana C., Bratti M., Havari E., Mazzarella G., Meroni E., (2020), Geographical proximity to refugee reception centres and voting, Journal of Urban Economics, 120, pp. 103290
- Moriconi S., Peri G., Pozzoli D., (2020), The Role of Institutions and Immigrant Networks in Firms’ Offshoring Decisions, Canadian Journal of Economics, 53(4), pp. 48
- Lai, T., Furukawa Y., Sato K., (2020), Novelty-seeking Traits and Applied Research Activities, Applied Economics Letters, Vol. 27 (2020), 945-950
- Jochem, A., Parrotta, P., and G. Valletta (2020) The impact of the 2002 reform of the EU leniency program on cartel outcomes, International Journal of Industrial Organization.
- Siani J., (2020), International remittances, poverty and growth into WAEMU countries: evidence from panel cointegration
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- Moriconi S., Peri G. and R. Turati (2019),“Immigration and Voting for Redistribution: Evidence from European Elections”, Labour Economics 61 (2019) 101765
- Moriconi S. and G. Peri (2019),“Country-Specific Preferences and Employment Rates in Europe”, European Economic Review Volume 116, July 2019, Pages 1-27
- Moriconi S., Picard P. M., Zanaj S., (2019), Commodity taxation and regulatory competition, International Tax and Public Finance, 26(4), pp. 919-965
- Baudin T., and V. Hiller (2019), On the Dynamics of Gender Differences in Preferences, Oxford Economic Papers, 71(3), 503-527. Editor’s choice.